Professional Activities:
- Head of Graduate Teaching and Learning, School of Mathematics and Statistics, UCD (2022-).
- Director of Online Programmes School of Mathematics and Statistics, UCD (2017-).
- Committee Irish Society of Human Genetics (2018-).
- Statistician Animal Research Ethics Committee, UCD (2017-).
- Named Supervisor SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science
- Named Supervisor SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science
- Education Officer Irish Statistical Association (2017-2019).
- Organising Committee Conference of Applied Statistics Ireland (2017).
Statistical Genetics:
- PLoS Computational Biology
- Molecular Ecology
- Genetics
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Genome Research
- Molecular Ecology Resources
- Journal of Heredity
Statistics and Machine Learning:
- Biometrika
- Annals of Applied Statistics
- Journal of Statistics and Computing
- Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
- Machine Learning
- Pattern Analysis and Applications
- Network Science
- NeurIPS (2014)
- AISTATS (2012,2013)
- International Statistical Institute World Congress 2011
- Animal Behaviour
- Journal of the Environmetrics Society
- Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Assorted Other activities:
- Organiser of DPhil / postdoc seminar series, Dept. of Statistics, University of Oxford (2013-2016).
- Green Impact committee, Dept. of Statistics, University of Oxford (2013-2016).
- Interview board for hiring to CeADAR (Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research) (2013).
- Exam marking for Mathematics, University of Oxford (2015, 2016).
- Facilitator of academic taster sessions and application conferences for Mansfield College (2015).
- Maintenance Committee Irish Supercomputer List (2013-2018).