MOSAIC Tool for modelling multiway admixture using dense genotype data.
aniSNA Obtain network structures from animal GPS telemetry observations and statistically analyse them to assess their adequacy for social network analysis. Methods include pre-network data permutations, bootstrapping techniques to obtain confidence intervals for global and node-level network metrics, and correlation and regression analysis of the local network metrics.
VBLPCM Fit and simulate latent position and cluster models for network data, using a fast Variational Bayes approximation.
egoTERGM Estimation of ego-temporal exponential random graph models.
Review of Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Algorithms and Software R scripts used to run the examples in the supplementary document to the paper “Review of Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Algorithms and Software” (Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 2012). The entire directory (input files and R scripts) is archived in a single file.